Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Where I've been (and a recipe, too!)

When I began this blog, I fully expected to make it the full 365 days. 
I imagined my notebook full of 365 cookie recipes. 
I imagined people everywhere trying my recipes for their families and sharing them with friends.
My back, however, had other plans.
The day after I posted my last cookie, I became incapacitated.
You see, I have this nasty thing called Psoriatic Arthritis.  It's similar to rheumatoid arthritis in that my immune system is attacking my joints.  My PsA attacks my spine, hands, knees and shoulders.
The morning after I posted the raisin biscuits, I couldn't move.  Usually, the pain and stiffness lessens as the day goes on. 
This time it didn't.
I couldn't stand.  I couldn't sit.  I couldn't bend.  I couldn't walk.
The only comfort I could find was lying on my living room floor with my legs propped up on my coffee table and a heating pad or ice pack on my back.  Certainly not a position conducive to cookie baking.
Much to my dismay, I knew I needed to abandon the cookie 365 experiment - at least for a while.  I was ashamed, which is why I disappeared into the blogosphere.
I'm sorry.
I've received several e-mails from readers inquiring about my whereabouts. 
I assure you - I'm here and I fully intend on sharing more delicious cookies with you!
Enough about my woes...let's give the people what they want:  COOKIES!

I came upon this recipe while browsing a lovely little blog named The Picky Palate.

I was mesmerized by the thought of it.  BROWNIE COVERED OREOS.


How on Earth could you make milk's favorite cookie any better?

You dip it in brownie batter and bake them.

It was roughly 9:30pm when I came across the recipe and by 9:45 I had the first batch in the oven. 

Holy schmoly.  These suckers are sinful.  Just look at the little devils:

Told you.

Stop it.  Just stop it.

Here's how I made this little devils...


1 box brownie mix of choice, prepared according to package directions
1 box Oreos
Cooking spray
White chocolate
Sprinkles, crushed candy canes, etc. to decorate the tops

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Generously spray 2 muffin tins with cooking spray. 
Dip each Oreo into the brownie batter until well coated.  Place one Oreo in the bottom of each muffin cup.
Bake for 12-15 minutes until the brownies are done.
Immediately upon removing them from the oven, run a thin bladed knife around each brownie.  This will ensure the brownies don't stick.
Cool for about 5 minutes or so before removing from the muffin tins.
Decorate with melted white chocolate and your decorations of choice.
I decorated mine with some crushed candy canes, red sprinkles (or jimmies) and some sugar crystals.

The possibilities are endless with these! I can't wait to try them with mint Oreos and peanut butter Oreos!  Yum!

Enjoy and I promise - I'll see you real soon....


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your back!! I hope that all is well now for you!!

    I made the mint ones of these (I found it on another blog) and LOVED THEM!!! They were AMAZING!! Never thought to try with just regular ones or even the Peanut Butter Ones!! Thank you so much for sharing!! And happy you are back :-)

  2. OMG I am SO sorry to hear about your back! I know how horrible that kind of incapacitating pain can be. Do NOT be ashamed! You cannot help health issues!

    I cannot wait to make the snickerdoodle blondies! DH loves snickerdoodles so this should be a hit with him!! Thanks!
