Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cookie #28 - Delaware Peaches

I have to admit, when it came to Delaware I was a bit stuck.  The state drink is milk, but I just couldn't find or come up with a milk cookie that I really liked.  Then I came across this little historical tidbit:  in the 1800's Delaware was the leading producer of peaches in the United States.  Perfect!  A peach cookie!! 
In my search for the ideal peach cookie, I came across a traditional Croatian cookies called breskve These cookies consist of two richly dense cookies sandwiched together with a mixture of cookie crumbs, nuts and peach jam (or Nutella, as you'll see).  When you cut these little beauties in half, they look just like the inside of a peach.
I have to warn you:  these cookies are labor intensive.  I skipped the coloring and sugar step in the recipe I used and I still found them to take a lot of time.  The next time I make them, I'll also have to try to make the balls I rolled smoother so they look more peach like.  Despite the amount of work they took, the flavor was well worth it!  I will definitely be making these cookies again.  I can't wait to experiment with different flavor fillings.  I also will serve them already cut in half, because a whole one can be a little overwhelming - plus I think they are cuter sliced. 
The source for this recipe was a fellow blogger:  Melita at Cafe Chocolada.  Oh my what a beautiful blog.  It is what my small, little blog aspires to be. 
After seeing Melita's breskve, I'm almost embarrassed to post pictures of mine, but that wouldn't be keeping with the point of this blog.  This is a learning experience for me and I promised to share with you everything:  the good, the bad and the ugly. 
I did follow this recipe exactly (with the exception of the coloring and sugaring).  This meant that at 8:30pm, I had to run to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy a food scale since the ingredient measurements are given in grams.  I'm glad I did because I've used it several times already since buying it.
So here are my breskve, using Cafe Chocolada's recipe here.

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